throwing out the automatic coffee makerextraordinary everyday

Over the years, my husband’s love for coffee has rubbed off on me. What was once something I enjoyed only occasionally – blended with ice and LOTS of sugar –  has become a staple in my daily life – hot and with just a hint of sweet. I wouldn’t say I’m an addict necessarily, but I would say that like many, my eyes just don’t fully open (or my brain for that matter) until I’ve had my daily dose of caffeine.

While I could easily write pages about my fondness for this heavenly substance, the point I’m trying to make is simply that making coffee has been a part of the morning routine at our house for quite some time. Like brushing our teeth, or letting the dog out, we hardly give any thought to stopping by the kitchen to make a pot. So you can understand that what I’m about to say was not a decision we reached lightly…

We’re throwing out the automatic coffee maker!

It’s not because we’re above an ordinary cup of Joe. Although we have learned to appreciate the noticeable improvements in a carefully crafted cup of coffee, we certainly can’t claim to be educated enough on the subject to be considered proper connoisseurs, nor are we willing to shell out big bucks for the world’s best beans. No, our reasoning is not rooted in snobbery. This conclusion stems from a desire for more intentionality.

For us, automatic vs. manual is the difference between starting our day out on the go and taken for granted, versus   slow. purposeful. appreciated.

Trading in the quick and easy alternative for a process that requires measuring, boiling, waiting, and carefully pouring has already had a tremendous impact on how we begin each day. For the most part, simply not having the option to fall back on convenience has motivated us to get out of bed a little earlier. In turn, not only are we able to enjoy a finer tasting coffee, we’re spending more quality time together before the demanding day gets the best of us. We’re appreciating the little things like the way the light pours in the kitchen windows in the morning and the variety of birds happily serenading as they hop across the yard. We’re setting a tone for our day that centers around quality over quantity and truly being present for the people who matter.

Don’t get me wrong. Convenience can be good. And we certainly don’t take any moral issues with how you brew your coffee. (Admittedly, we do still have an alternative option for those mornings when we find ourselves hitting snooze several times.) But I find that we’re oftentimes so easily swayed by the quick solutions and “get more done” approach to life, that what we really can benefit from is opportunities to be deliberate, take it slow, and savor the little moments we’re blessed with each and every day.

the elle in love, chemex, coffee
