creating a baker’s pantrycurating the common

creating a baker's pantry
I would find myself opening the cupboard door for no other reason than to look at it. My newly created baker's pantry contained in a small cupboard was delightful and just the sight of it had this satisfying, calming effect. At the time, creating a baker's pantry had nothing to do with simplifying. It wasn't really even about organization. I had come across a recip[...]

why we moved# t h e e l l e i n r e l o c a t e | one

why we moved
"Nebraska, huh? What brought you here from Nebraska?" That's the typical response we receive when people ask where we've moved from. The population in this area of Middle Tennessee is increasing rapidly, so it isn't uncommon to bump into new-to-the-area "transplants". However, it must not be very often that people hear our great home state mentioned, because all of[...]

06. road trip must-havesenjoying the journey

06. road trip must-haves
Within a three-month period, we made the trip from Nebraska to Tennessee four times. That's more than 6000 miles and roughly 90+ hours in the vehicle. Road trips can be a lot of fun, but let's face it, that distance is pushing it even for someone who enjoys making the most out of the journey. We quickly figured out a few of our road trip must-haves, and today we're[...]

making plans and setting goalssemi-sweet morsels

making plans and setting goals
We're two weeks into a new year and for the first time since I can recall, I didn’t make a single resolution. Normally I embrace the annual fresh start and you know I love a good excuse to implement (or re-implement) purposeful behaviors, but there was just something about ringing in the new year without placing consideration to what I hope to achieve at the forefront[...]

03. decorative storage solutionsour nest

03. decorative storage solutions
Last spring we sold our house and moved in to an apartment while taking some time to figure out what was next for us. The complete story of our move will be coming soon, but for now how that pertains to storage is that we went from a four bedroom house with two living spaces, to a two-bedroom apartment. Even though we knew it'd only be for a few months (we signed a fo[...]

home for the holidaysextraordinary everyday

home for the holidays
This year brought new meaning to going home for the holidays. A month after moving half way across the country, we loaded up the trusty Ford and ventured back to Nebraska to celebrate Christmas with family. Fifteen hours later, we were enjoying welcome home hugs and face to face conversations with loved ones. In some ways it felt as though we had never left. Thirty[...]

welcome to rutherford county, tn!our nest

welcome to rutherford county, tn!
It's been four months since I last wrote, and yet it seems as though it's been a few weeks. This year was such a whirlwind that in my head it feels more like September than December. Actually the last time I can recall our life loosely resembling "normal" it was February, so even though it sounds cliché to say "I don't know where this year went", I think given wha[...]